Thursday, May 1, 2008

Social Scan and Rollyo

My favorite mash-up is Social Scan, which allows you to see how your blog or other web site is doing on various social tools like and Furl. I typed in my blog--of course--and was amazed to discover various places that have linked to my posts. The most recent link was on Tame the Web, about a post I wrote in February proclaiming (prophetically or foolishly, depending on who you ask) that blogs should replace library science journals. The original post is solid, and all of the subsequent comments have real value. I would never have known about any of this except for Social Scan--it is cool.

I'm less enamored of Rollyo, or at least of the search for "privacy" among librarian bloggers. Seemed to pull up threads of debates we've all seen, in some form, many times before. Of course, there's no reason I couldn't have just done another search. The broader concept of Rollyo, creating one's own search engine (and not using a Google tool to do it!), is very powerful. But it does leave me wondering about "closed loops"; if all I search is what I want to search, how valuable is my blinkered viewpoint after a while?

That's a huge philosophical question, and I shouldn't take it out on poor Rollyo.

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